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If you cannot attend Catwalk, we greatly appreciate your
Fund A Cure donation (below).

Fund A Cure is an opportunity to make an impact on the lives of people living with T1D and their loved ones through a 100% tax-deductible donation, which will accelerate life changing research. Fund A Cure donations will be invested in JDRF’s effective and focused research agenda aimed to progressively remove the impact of T1D from people’s lives until there is a cure.  Please join us and make a difference for the millions of children and adults who live with diabetes every day. 

To see the impact of JDRF's research & advocacy efforts, visit jdrf.org/impact

Thank you for your support of Catwalk 10:
An Afternoon of Fashion, Food & Friends for a Cure!

I'd like to contribute a 100% tax-deductible Fund A Cure donation

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